From Matt Jennings

Calvin and hobbes with birthday hat and balloon


Brian, happy birthday brother! It’s just another number, what counts is each day! I’m thankful for the years we have had together and hopeful for many more. God bless you on this journey called life. Love you brother! Happy birthday.

From Bill Wickham

Happy Birthday Cupcakes

Brian, Happy Birthday brother! You are one of the most genuine people I know. When I think about someone who truly gets how God wired them I think of you. Thanks for not trying to be “someone else” but always allowing God to use you exactly as he designed you! The Kingdom is greater because there is a Brian Armitage in it!

From Dan Busman


You have flourished exponentially in the past 14+ years. I first knew you as a teenager when I met your Mom. Since that time your decisions have led to where you are today and the difference between then and now is striking. You should be proud of yourself (with appropriate humility ;o) as a devoted follower of Christ and as a devoted husband, father, son, pastor, employee, friend to many, creative thinker and writer, and the list goes on. Keep up the good work that Christ began in you many years ago.

From Jane

My dear son-in-law,

When I thank God for you, so many precious scenes come to mind that make up the impressive man that you are.

The look of love and devotion on your face when you saw Jen walk up the aisle at your wedding.

The genuine laughter and exuberance you show when you game with your brother-in-laws.

The peace filled contentment  on your face as you held baby Addie in your arms as she slept.

Your faith which shines from you with conviction and gentle strength that by your very gentleness brings people closer to God.

You sitting with your mini-me Asher on casual Sunday with such bliss on both your faces.

The joyful expression on your face and words of happiness when I shared a time I got to minister to a person in distress.

We are blessed to have you in our family.

With much love and prayers for the blessing of loving joy filled days ahead of you.

Big birthday hugs!