From Ashley Jennings

Happy Birthday to one of my favs, Brian! (also, you’re old! ha) I don’t get to tell you often how proud I am of you! I should do that more often. Life brings its ups and downs (so cliché but gosh so true), and you have continued serve and love God through it all! I think you don’t give yourself enough credit for that last sentence. So many that would have faced some of the things you have and are currently facing, would give up and walk away; but not you. One of my favorite things about you is watching you be “Dad”. Those kids are beyond blessed to have a father like you; dedicated, God-fearing, and intentional. Your wife is blessed (I know so, because she tells me in our coffee dates. She believes in you SO MUCH and for good reason). And your friends are blessed by you (you know THIS because you have your own birthday blog! WE LOVE YOU!). I hope today as you think about how much life you’ve lived already, and how much there is still ahead, that you are encouraged and blessed. I pray today gives you more and more strength for the journey! Happy Birthday my friend!

From Stephen

In spite of being nervous on the day that I met many of Lenny’s friends, I remember that when I met you, I knew we would get along. It’s been great getting to know you and nerding out with you over the past 6 years, and I feel fortunate to have been able to count you as one of my friends even before I moved here. Happy Birthday, Brian!

From Josh Boyd


Happy Birthday Brian! You are a great friend and I am truly grateful for all the thing we have had the chance to do in the short time we have known each other and always helping with my kids and my trials. I hope your birthday is a great day to reflect on how great of you are.

From Jane

My dear son-in-law,

When I thank God for you, so many precious scenes come to mind that make up the impressive man that you are.

The look of love and devotion on your face when you saw Jen walk up the aisle at your wedding.

The genuine laughter and exuberance you show when you game with your brother-in-laws.

The peace filled contentment  on your face as you held baby Addie in your arms as she slept.

Your faith which shines from you with conviction and gentle strength that by your very gentleness brings people closer to God.

You sitting with your mini-me Asher on casual Sunday with such bliss on both your faces.

The joyful expression on your face and words of happiness when I shared a time I got to minister to a person in distress.

We are blessed to have you in our family.

With much love and prayers for the blessing of loving joy filled days ahead of you.

Big birthday hugs!

From Ashley and Jason D.

Happy Birthday Brian! We have known each other for over 7 years now and I am so glad that God brought you into our lives. You’re an amazing person Brian inside and out. You are always there for everyone and anyone even when it doesn’t seem like you have anything else to give. I love the fact that no matter what is going on you’re the same fun, loving, considerate, kind Brian we all know and Love. This past year I know has been extremely hard for you and Jen, but you guys have shown strength, courage and faith like no one else I have known. We love you Brian and We hope you have the most Fabulous Birthday with your Beautiful Family!!!! Here is a photo of you and Jen 😉

Brian and Jen

From Mike and Kayleen

Michael, Brian and Kayleen

Thank you for your counsel on our road to marriage, and for making it official! Our wedding day was so special and we literally could not have done it without you! We hope you have a most amazing birthday and we pray that this year of your life and the rest to follow are filled with happiness, blessings, and peace. Happy Birthday!!!!