Love Mumz

Dear Brian,

What a blessing you are! It is such a privilege and honor to be your mother.

I loved watching you grow up. As a child, you were the master of creative play, producing a seemingly endless stream of fun, spontaneous ideas, which you put into action.

You were so uninhibited, living out your ideas with confidence, excitement and expectation.

The results were amazing! You were full laughter, joy and creativity. One idea spurred another idea and off you would go, all day long! No wonder little David followed you around so much!

Your imagination entertained our whole family. You held nothing back as you lived out your gifts. You brightened the lives of those around you.

You also had such a tender way and were a natural at picking up on and responding to the needs of others, especially young children. They felt the safety of your love and were very attracted to you. Your tender heart has always been a treasure. You are loving and caring by nature.

The way you ponder life on so many levels these days and feel things so deeply is beautiful to me. It is just one more sign of your sensitivity and character. You still have the same brilliant mind and tender loving heart that God placed in you. You still have a natural awareness of and sensitivity to the needs of others.

I am so grateful that you know and love our precious Lord. He will continue to guide you, comfort you and give you His joy and peace.

I love you endlessly and am so very proud of you.

From Matt Jennings

Calvin and hobbes with birthday hat and balloon


Brian, happy birthday brother! It’s just another number, what counts is each day! I’m thankful for the years we have had together and hopeful for many more. God bless you on this journey called life. Love you brother! Happy birthday.

From Bill Wickham

Happy Birthday Cupcakes

Brian, Happy Birthday brother! You are one of the most genuine people I know. When I think about someone who truly gets how God wired them I think of you. Thanks for not trying to be “someone else” but always allowing God to use you exactly as he designed you! The Kingdom is greater because there is a Brian Armitage in it!

From Dan Busman


You have flourished exponentially in the past 14+ years. I first knew you as a teenager when I met your Mom. Since that time your decisions have led to where you are today and the difference between then and now is striking. You should be proud of yourself (with appropriate humility ;o) as a devoted follower of Christ and as a devoted husband, father, son, pastor, employee, friend to many, creative thinker and writer, and the list goes on. Keep up the good work that Christ began in you many years ago.

From Shep and Jan

Happy Birthday, Brother! When I think of you I remember our time together on staff and the many meetings we spent in my living room discussing ministry at Crossroads Church. You are the kind of person senior pastors look for to assist them in serving the people of the church because you are trustworthy and are willing to do your best in everything a pastor would ask of you. I watched as your assignment changed three times in a year and never once did you complain about those changes. You are the kind of person who if asked to do something can be trusted to give it his best effort because you have learned to trust God to lead your life. What a privilege it has been, not only to have been on staff with you, but to call you “Friend.”

The scripture that comes to mind when I pray for you is Hebrews 13:17: “Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must keep account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be no advantage to you.”

Your service makes ministry a joy for those you serve. If more lay people had the ability to serve a church as you have, more pastors would find ministry to be a blessing rather than a burden. Your ministry was of great support during my years with Crossroads and Jan joins me in wishing you all good blessings and happiness on your birthday and throughout the years ahead as you minister with your unique gifts to your church family, friends, and especially to your own precious wife and children.

Have a wonderful day!