From Cody

So Brian.

Once again someone near and dear to us has asked me to talk about you,once again I do not know were to start I was thinking  most people use there birthday to  for reflecting I could  talk about how tumultuous your year has been, but I am sure being that you were there for all of it you know what happened  I doubt I could say anything that has not been said already. I am reminded   of your ability to with stand all manners of  craziness and some how still be able to show compassion though all of it . proven not only from the events of this year but from that  brief time time we lived together  and its something I have always admired about you and I would hope you know this by now …..

You know what  to hell with the past you know were you been and we have talked about it to death .

I guess what to do is give you a odd bit of advice  when you read this you should stop and take a moment of your birthday and consider all of the things   yet to come some them will be hard some of them will be the result of things you might not of even considered before  but I promise  most of it will be very very good   take this moment   get excited for what comes next and take a deep breath.

Your comrade

P.S: There might be sentence or two missing but this is the first time I have finished something I started writing.

From Dan Bode

My brother/son in Christ,
So another year gone by, and one that has certainly seen significant events.  The thing about all this is that you have come through this a better man.  Others will often fail in their walk in light of these kind of things, but you have made significant strides toward being the man God made you to be.  This is a process that lasts a lifetime, and I am truly amazed at how you have drawn closer to God through everything.  Thank you for being a blessing, and an example, to me and everyone else!
Happy Birthday!

From Josh Boyd


Happy Birthday Brian! You are a great friend and I am truly grateful for all the thing we have had the chance to do in the short time we have known each other and always helping with my kids and my trials. I hope your birthday is a great day to reflect on how great of you are.

Love Mumz

Dear Brian,

What a blessing you are! It is such a privilege and honor to be your mother.

I loved watching you grow up. As a child, you were the master of creative play, producing a seemingly endless stream of fun, spontaneous ideas, which you put into action.

You were so uninhibited, living out your ideas with confidence, excitement and expectation.

The results were amazing! You were full laughter, joy and creativity. One idea spurred another idea and off you would go, all day long! No wonder little David followed you around so much!

Your imagination entertained our whole family. You held nothing back as you lived out your gifts. You brightened the lives of those around you.

You also had such a tender way and were a natural at picking up on and responding to the needs of others, especially young children. They felt the safety of your love and were very attracted to you. Your tender heart has always been a treasure. You are loving and caring by nature.

The way you ponder life on so many levels these days and feel things so deeply is beautiful to me. It is just one more sign of your sensitivity and character. You still have the same brilliant mind and tender loving heart that God placed in you. You still have a natural awareness of and sensitivity to the needs of others.

I am so grateful that you know and love our precious Lord. He will continue to guide you, comfort you and give you His joy and peace.

I love you endlessly and am so very proud of you.