From Aunt Lu

Nephew Brian, The dear,

My thoughts of you both make me smile, and make me reach for a big hug.

The way you managed to be present on the day Ron and I married one another was quite a wonder (at 4.5 months pre-birth)! That was a small and special party, blessed in many ways, including the presence of a little person coming along into Brian-ness at a dynamic and heart-warming pace!

Your loving brother-ness and son-ness have so many treasurable aspects. You have, and we share, a great trove of early times and memories. These all come along with us, nourishing a multitude of relationships in our God family today. Who would ever have guessed at all the brother- and sister- and parent- and child-like blessings waiting for us in the wings?

As I think back, it seems to me that words are like a bountiful garden, or perhaps more like a generous fountain in your life. Your gift for receiving and understanding words is quite rare. This pairs with your indubitable talent for true and nuanced verbal expression, to make a veritable confluence of crystalizing meanings! Since I have also inherited some of those same word-loving genes, I particularly cherish your gifts from the garden/fountain!

I wish for you wholeness, peace, shelter, adventure, and awe. I love you very much, and will always be

From Drake


Happy birthday to a friend I couldn’t be luckier to know. Brian, I’m truly blessed to have you in my life and it’s by his will that our friendship will continue. Thank you for always checking in on me, being a patient listener, and supporting me in my weekend habit when you do. I hope that today is a great day for you of celebration, rejoice, and relaxation.

From Ashley Jennings

Happy Birthday to one of my favs, Brian! (also, you’re old! ha) I don’t get to tell you often how proud I am of you! I should do that more often. Life brings its ups and downs (so cliché but gosh so true), and you have continued serve and love God through it all! I think you don’t give yourself enough credit for that last sentence. So many that would have faced some of the things you have and are currently facing, would give up and walk away; but not you. One of my favorite things about you is watching you be “Dad”. Those kids are beyond blessed to have a father like you; dedicated, God-fearing, and intentional. Your wife is blessed (I know so, because she tells me in our coffee dates. She believes in you SO MUCH and for good reason). And your friends are blessed by you (you know THIS because you have your own birthday blog! WE LOVE YOU!). I hope today as you think about how much life you’ve lived already, and how much there is still ahead, that you are encouraged and blessed. I pray today gives you more and more strength for the journey! Happy Birthday my friend!

From Kirsten & Yeates Family

Happy Birthday to one of the kindest people I’ve ever met! There’s brilliance, and creativity behind all of your affable humility. What you are able to do every day for those around you continues to inspire me. I miss working with you Brian!

I hope this year you can celebrate the amazing wife you have (she’s awesome and probably the best mom I’ve ever met, and yet somehow she isn’t out of your league). I hope your birthday can be celebrated with cake and family time and some small blessings of good news with Asher’s health and Addison’s fun personality.

We feel far away but are always thinking of you and your amazing family and just last week we went to visit a friend at the hospital- Alison was thrilled which seemed odd and then beamed and said “will we see baby Asher?” I told her, luckily, no, Asher is at home with mommy and daddy 🙂

From Stephen

In spite of being nervous on the day that I met many of Lenny’s friends, I remember that when I met you, I knew we would get along. It’s been great getting to know you and nerding out with you over the past 6 years, and I feel fortunate to have been able to count you as one of my friends even before I moved here. Happy Birthday, Brian!

From The Cronin Family

Brian and kyle


Brian!!! Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day! We want to tell you how special you are to us, and how extremely blessed we have been to share so many years and memories together!!! You are an incredibly Godly man, and we are astounded by your kindness and the joy you bring to those around you. What a great example you are to us!!! Happy birthday, friend!!!