From Aunt Lu

Nephew Brian, The dear,

My thoughts of you both make me smile, and make me reach for a big hug.

The way you managed to be present on the day Ron and I married one another was quite a wonder (at 4.5 months pre-birth)! That was a small and special party, blessed in many ways, including the presence of a little person coming along into Brian-ness at a dynamic and heart-warming pace!

Your loving brother-ness and son-ness have so many treasurable aspects. You have, and we share, a great trove of early times and memories. These all come along with us, nourishing a multitude of relationships in our God family today. Who would ever have guessed at all the brother- and sister- and parent- and child-like blessings waiting for us in the wings?

As I think back, it seems to me that words are like a bountiful garden, or perhaps more like a generous fountain in your life. Your gift for receiving and understanding words is quite rare. This pairs with your indubitable talent for true and nuanced verbal expression, to make a veritable confluence of crystalizing meanings! Since I have also inherited some of those same word-loving genes, I particularly cherish your gifts from the garden/fountain!

I wish for you wholeness, peace, shelter, adventure, and awe. I love you very much, and will always be

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