From Shep and Jan

Happy Birthday, Brother! When I think of you I remember our time together on staff and the many meetings we spent in my living room discussing ministry at Crossroads Church. You are the kind of person senior pastors look for to assist them in serving the people of the church because you are trustworthy and are willing to do your best in everything a pastor would ask of you. I watched as your assignment changed three times in a year and never once did you complain about those changes. You are the kind of person who if asked to do something can be trusted to give it his best effort because you have learned to trust God to lead your life. What a privilege it has been, not only to have been on staff with you, but to call you “Friend.”

The scripture that comes to mind when I pray for you is Hebrews 13:17: “Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must keep account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be no advantage to you.”

Your service makes ministry a joy for those you serve. If more lay people had the ability to serve a church as you have, more pastors would find ministry to be a blessing rather than a burden. Your ministry was of great support during my years with Crossroads and Jan joins me in wishing you all good blessings and happiness on your birthday and throughout the years ahead as you minister with your unique gifts to your church family, friends, and especially to your own precious wife and children.

Have a wonderful day!

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